A word about Fathers Day

Craig Lathum and his daughters, Chaney and Sadie

by Chaney Larsen

Father’s Day looks a lot different this year without my father, Craig Latham, here on this Earth with us. I’ve struggled to find the right words for this piece, but have found that using dad’s own words of wisdom would be fitting for celebrating this day.

My dad was someone that many people admired for a number of reasons. One reason being that he recruited his OPSU rodeo team members not solely based on their talent and try in the arena, but what he saw in them as individuals, and the type of person they were.

He wanted them to be good people in this world, and to go out and make a positive impact while giving their best long after their college rodeo careers ended.

My mom and sister helped me put a list of some of dad’s favorite sayings together.  Many are usable not only in the rodeo arena, but life itself.


A Anchor yourself in faith

B Be a Believer

C Have Courage to face any Challenge

D Don’t Feel Sorry for People, Help Them

E Eat Dessert First

F Fish every chance you get

G Be a Good Person

H Help as many people as you can

I I am the Master of my Fate; I am the Captain of my Soul

J Just Wing It

K Keep Fighting

L Let ‘Er Roll

M Make the Most of every day

N Never Give Up

O One Life, Live it Well

P Have Passion, Pride, and Purpose in all you do

Q Quitters never win, Winners never quit

R Reach and Spur

S Stick it to ‘em

T Tuck your Chin

U Understand it’s out of your control

V Strive Valiantly

W We’re with the Rodeo

X Be eXtremely Grateful

Y You’re Burning Daylight, get to work

Z Give it your All from Zero to 90


Happy Heavenly Father’s Day Dad! You are so very missed down here.

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