2015 WSRRA World Champion Open Team C Ranches

above: National Finals Champion Open Ranch Rodeo Team: C Ranches from Nevada. Members: Jim Filippini, Luke Lancaster, Quinn Mori, and Michael Mori - Mary Williams Hyde

story by Naomi Loomis,
WSRRA Association Representative

The 2015 Western States Ranch Rodeo Association National Finals In Winnemucca, Nevada featured teams representing some of the largest and most historic ranches in the United States competing for the title of World Champion. Those teams competed in sort/rope doctoring, team roping, trailer loading, tie-down steer roping, team branding and working ranch horse events that were designed to test the cowboys’/cowgirls’ skills needed for everyday ranch life. The events provided plenty of challenges for the teams and excitement for the crowd. At the end of the competition C Ranches had the most points, winning buckles and prizes.
The 2015 WSRRA World Champion C Ranches team members were Jim Filippini, Luke Lancaster, Michael Mori, and Quinn Mori from Crescent Valley, Nevada. The C Ranches demonstrated what teamwork and cowboy life looks like. Jim, the team’s captain said, “To unify our team, I made sure that everyone knew our plan and that they knew their part.”
Jim described what it meant to him and his team when they won the 2015 WSRRA World Championship, “Our plans worked even though our first event of the finals was not good. We didn’t get down; we just pulled it back together and made it work.” A cowboy’s life could also be described as that as well. The WSRRA Finals is a place where teams, like C Ranches, get the opportunity to show off their skills and their ability to overcome hardships and setbacks.
The C Ranches is a 125-year-old family ranch, nestled in the Crescent Valley in Eureka County, Nevada.
The root of ranch rodeoing is ranch life. It is showcased at the WSRRA finals when cowboys and cowgirls, who have a deeply rooted heritage of raising cattle and horses, show skills they use every day at home on the ranches where most of them live and work. These competitors are passionate, too, to show that ranch life is more than an occupation, it is a lifestyle they want to preserve for generations to come.
Congratulations to C Ranches for being the 2015 WSRRA World Champion team.