CJHRA Meet the Member: Madison Story

Madison Story - Photo by Brian Maloney Photography

Meet the Member

Madison Story

Photo by Brian Maloney Photography

story by Rachel Hummel

“I’ve grown up around horses, so being able to compete in a sport that centers on them is perfect for me. And when I’m out there in the arena competing, I get this feeling that I can’t even describe, but it’s a feeling that I only get from rodeo,” says 13-yr-old Madison Story from Bayfield, Colo.
This upcoming season will be Madison’s second as a member of the CJHSRA, and she has high hopes for what it will bring. Madison competes in the barrels poles, and says that her goal is to make it to nationals in both events this year. “I have faith in my horse and in myself, and I know that we can do it.”
Madison is also a member of the National Barrel Horse Association. In addition to rodeo, Madison’s favorite pastime is trail riding. “I love going up in the mountains for a couple of hours, just my horse and me. It’s usually the first thing I want to do every morning.” When it gets too cold and the snow starts to fly, Madison still loves going on adventures in the mountains, but prefers to do it on a pair of skis.
Her real passion outside of rodeo is photography. “I’ve always loved taking pictures and trying to capture a certain moment. I would love to study it in college one day and hopefully I can make a career out of it. Before that though, I’m trying to get as much experience as I can now, helping out some of the local photographers.” Madison will help with photography at local sporting events, which has the benefit of being able to photograph her younger brother Mitchell when he plays. She also enjoys photographing nature and wildlife in her area.
Another goal of Madison’s is to travel around America, visiting all 50 states. “I’ve been to about nine so far, so I have a long way to go,” she says with a laugh. “Right now though, the state I want to go to next is Florida. I hear it’s absolutely beautiful with all of its beaches and I can’t with until I see it.”
Through college, and hopefully after, Madison plans to stay involved in rodeo and, if she can, would love to join the pro circuit one day. Madison’s love of and desire for rodeo has always been due to family. “Going to the rodeos with my whole family has always been a huge part of what makes them so fun. My parents, Cody and Shannon, are always there for me to cheer me on and help me get better.” It was Madison’s cousins though, the Chumleys who first got her started in junior high rodeo, for which she is very grateful.
Madison says that more than anything she is just excited for this season as well as the seasons to come after. “The best part about these rodeos is the competition, and how that competition can turn into a friendship.”