CSHSRA Meet the Member: Laramie Noble

Laramie Noble -

Meet the Member

Laramie Noble

story by Rachel Hummel

“Rodeo has been a part of my life since I can remember. My dad rode bareback horses and competed professionally, and my mom has competed on the pro circuit my entire life. My first time on a horse was when I was three days old on my first day home from the hospital,” says 17-yr-old Laramie Noble.
Laramie has been a member of the CSHSRA for two years and competes in the barrels, poles, breakaway, and cutting. In addition to high school rodeo, Laramie competes in various other rodeo organizations, which are not limited to the United States Team Roping Championships and the Wrangler Team Roping Championships.
Laramie says that there is not much that holds her interest outside of rodeo. “In school I’m a member of the FFA, which I love, but there isn’t much besides that. I devote almost all of my time to either rodeos or practicing for the rodeos. I do love to attend the sporting events at school though. I don’t have the time to join one of the teams, but I really love to go watch the football and baseball games.”
Laramie does admit though that she also really loves to sing. “It’s not something I talk about very often, since I try to stay humble and it can be a little awkward, but it’s one of the few things that I know I can do well. I especially love to sing any type of Stoney Larue song.”
No matter what though, rodeo is her passion and practicing is the first thing Laramie does every morning. “I love waking up early, when it’s still a little dark and the grass is dewy, and going out to rope the dummy. It just gets me fired up.”
Another thing that gets Laramie fired up is her future. “All I have ever wanted, since as long as I can remember, is to go to Texas A&M. When I do get there, I want to study equine rehabilitation. And of course, I want to continue with rodeo for as long as, and to the highest level, I can.”
For this next year, Laramie’s goal is to win a state championship in the barrels. “This past year I became a lot more competitive and have been consistently towards the top. I really believe that this year I can make it happen. I would also love to make it to nationals in my other events.”
Laramie gets much of her work ethic and drive from her role models, the biggest of which is her mother, Jennifer. “She is an amazing woman. She is well-spoken, and well-regarded and always encourages me.” Other members of Laramie’s family include her father, Adam, and her little sister Paige.
Laramie also looks up to Sherri Cervi, “…for being such a class act and always remaining poised…,” as well as Trevor Brazile, “…because he has accomplished so much. I also love that he is so strong in his faith and so willing to share that.” Laramie is also grateful to Sabrina Ketcham and Kelly Conrado for all they have done for her.
And while she loves the competition, Laramie’s favorite part of rodeo is how it can bring so many people together at once and can teach them so many things. “With other groups, at other sporting events, you see a lower level of responsibility and work ethic. But at the rodeos, the kids really try to be respectful and honorable, and I believe that the western way of life and the rodeo atmosphere is a big part of that.”