M-SRA Meet the Member Taylor Davis

Taylor Davis steer wrestling
– JJJ Photography

Voted by Mid-States members as the 2014 Pick-Up Man of The Year, Taylor Davis says he appreciates the award and is honored to have been selected. “I enjoy the pickup work and get a lot out of it. I’m not sure which I like more; picking up or steer wrestling.” Taylor is also one of the top Mid-States steer wrestlers and won the 2013 Mid-States Steer Wrestling Championship. “It is kind of funny that I won the steer wrestling last year and didn’t even make the Finals this year.” Whether Taylor is picking up or competing he likes the Mid-States rodeos. “The people there are great. Everybody helps everybody but at the same time they’re all competing against each other and we get along with each other.” In his early rodeo days he rode bulls but after breaking his back decided to stay with steer wrestling.
When he’s picking up at rodeos Taylor works for McKay Rodeo Company and uses his own horses. “Depending on the numbers, I usually haul four and sometimes six. I don’t do any special training for picking up; some like it better than others and take to it better. I like the taller 16-hand horses that are heavy built and have some heart, a good mind, and a lot of run.”
Growing up in ranching home and having a father that rode rough stock made it easy for Taylor to get started in the sport. “My first job was in a feed lot and my boss, Brent Hurlbert got me started in steer wrestling. I did a few junior rodeos but didn’t really get going until I started competing in Mid-States rodeos. I’ve had a lot of help along the way but I’d have to say that Steve McKay has been my biggest influence in rodeo. Steve has raised the level of my bull dogging game a tremendous amount. The credit for my success should go to him because he’s helped me the most.”
Taylor says that the best type preparation for rodeo is mental preparation. “When you pull into a rodeo, you have to have a mind set that you are the best and that this is your day to win. You might be there with your buddies but this is your day, sorry guys. If you think that someone else can beat you, then you are already beat. I don’t like to lose and I don’t quit.” Taylor contends that he is not superstitious but also says that he will not wear yellow in the arena. His regular traveling partners a Jace McKay and Goober Snyder. “They both bull dog and we get along real well so it’s a good time going to rodeos.”
The 29-year-old cowboy is a Nebraska native and calls Erickson home. During the week Taylor works for Wagonhammer Ranches. Leisure time is spent hunting. Goals for the future are to continue to rodeo and some day, get married and start a family. “I’d love to make it to the NFR one day, but time will tell if I’m good enough.”