Meet the Member Abby Lobell

Abby Lobell - Action Shots N’ More

story by Michele Toberer

“Get there, be square, and Hustle!” is one of the favorite things Abby Lobell hears them yelling while she’s in the practice pen roping calves. Abby is a 14-year-old, 8th grade cowgirl from Geismer, Louisiana, and twice a week she spends time practicing with her cousin Grant, and her friend Madison Guillory, at her great-aunt Lynn and great-uncle Arthur Smith’s arena. “My mom and Uncle Arthur really taught me how to rope, they helped me a lot. I think some people have to work harder at it than others, not saying I don’t practice really hard, but roping is just very natural to me, it’s in my blood.” Abby lives in Geismer with her parents, Kristy and Brad Lobell, and younger sister Karlie, 13. Kristy, who works as a travel agent, was a breakaway roper who also competed in Louisiana High School Rodeo and was happy to share her passion with Abby. Brad, a supervisor at Exxon Refinery, didn’t grow up in rodeo but is more than happy to support his rodeo-loving daughter in all that she does. Karlie is Abby’s biggest fan, loudest cheering section and her favorite videographer.
Breakaway roping is Abby’s event, and she competed in AEI, a playday association, before joining Louisiana Junior High Rodeo Association last year as a 7th grader. That’s when she purchased her new breakaway horse, a 14-year-old bay quarter horse named Mildred. “She is kind of lazy, but you don’t have to worry about her in the arena, she’s going to get you there. She doesn’t have that big of a personality, but she knows what to do and she’s going to get it done.” Abby hopes to qualify for state finals and possibly national finals this year, before moving on to high school rodeo next year.
Abby attends Dutchtown Middle School, where she is a very active student, member of the Beta club and President of her local 4-H group. Abby raises and shows swine in 4-H and won the 13-year-old showmanship division this year, as well as the winning the overall market hog at her district show last year. Although the clubs keep her very busy, she loves the community service she has been a part of through them. “We helped many flood victims during the flood, bringing them donated food and clothing, and making sandbags. Because her family farm sits high on a hill, it became a refuge for many neighboring farm animals, as they helped to house pigs, goats, horses and many other animals needing a dry place to weather the storm. “We did all we could to take in as many animals as possible.”
Family surrounding her, is something Abby recognizes as a wonderful part of her life. She is grateful to have her grandparents, Claire and Kermit Braud, just next door. “They really help me take care of my horse, so that I can dedicate myself to school. They feed for me and are very helpful with everything. My grandma picks us up from school every day, so I get to see them all the time.” Abby’s great-grandmother lives just down the road, and her grandparents on her dad’s side live less than 20 minutes away. Abby enjoys spending time with her family hunting and fishing when they have free time. They enjoy taking their boat out to saltwater fish in the gulf.
Abby is taking two honors freshman courses this year, so she will start high school next year with two credits already complete. This will put her on a faster track with her high school credits, and she will start with some sophomore classes next year. Because she loves to solve things, algebra is definitely her favorite subject. She hopes to go to Louisiana State University after high school, and has her sights set on getting a degree in chemical engineering. Abby would like to work as a chemical engineer at Exxon Refinery when she has completed her education.