Meet the Member Bill Henry

Bill Henry - Western Edge Photography

story by Ruth Nicolaus

Bill Henry loves to ride bulls and saddle bronc steers in the Utah Junior High School Rodeo Association.
The Manila, Utah cowboy is an eighth grade student who enjoys P.E. class, especially archery, and science class.
He has three 4-H animals, two steers and a heifer, and has chores to do, to care for them after school is over. He’ll show the steers and heifer next summer. He also helps out on the family ranch with the beef cattle and Corrientes. The family has provided timed event cattle to a few rodeos, which Bill enjoys.
He is also a team roper, but his partner, his younger brother Lane, has been out of commission with a broken back for several months.
For fun, Bill likes to watch movies, and if he could choose any food to eat at a buffet, his first choice would be seafood, mostly lobster. His mom makes a mean steak, which Bill enjoys medium cooked.
When he grows up, he’d like to be a stock contractor, for both bucking horses and bulls, and timed event cattle.
He has qualified for state finals both in his sixth and seventh grade years.
Bill has an older sister, Annemarie, who is nineteen. His younger brother, Lane, is twelve.
He is the son of Karinda and Matt Henry.