Meet the Member: Jacob Marcell

Jacob Marcell – Lone S Photography

story by Lily Weinacht

Jacob Marcell joined the KPRA in July, and though the bull rider from Alva, Oklahoma, competed in less than six rodeos for the season, winning two of them and placing in another propelled him into the KPRA finals held in Dodge City, Kansas. “I was truly blessed – I came home with four belt buckles and $3,500,” he says. “I couldn’t be happier.” His buckles represent 2016 Men’s Roughstock Rookie of the Year, and Reserve Champion Bull Rider, along with winning the finals average and the second round in the bull riding. “The stock contractors brought an excellent set of bulls, and the finals were very well put together. It’s one of the nicest amateur events I’ve been to.”
The 23 year old has been competing largely with the PRCA and CBR the last three years, but took some time off this summer and focused on the KPRA. “I made a mistake at the pro level this last season and got fined, so I’ve been taking care of that and I’ll be able to ride again with the PRCA at the beginning of the year,” Jacob explains. He’s competed all over the country, entering renowned rodeos like Cheyenne Frontier Days, Greeley Stampede, and Reno Rodeo, but the highlight of his season was winning the Freedom Rodeo in Freedom, Oklahoma, which was voted New Rodeo of the Year in the KPRA. “A lot of my friends I rodeo with have done really well at that rodeo, and they have the buckles to prove it. I was very honored to win that one.”
The chutes have been a second home since Jacob was four, and he began his rodeo career with sheep, calves, and steers. “My older brother rode bulls, and I went with him to his rodeos and hung out with him and his friends,” says Jacob. “He passed away in 2002 in a car accident, and I kept rodeoing just to do it, but I didn’t have the drive and dedication.” Jacob went on to rodeo with the LHSRA and qualified for the NHSFR several times, and explains that as he matured, he wanted to do more in rodeo than just go through the motions. “I started talking to my brother’s friends more, and they helped me out. From then on, I knew I wanted to do something big in rodeo. Being around good friends that have been down the road and competed in the NFR has helped push me. Rodeo is all mental, but it’s even more a dedication to drive yourself and have friends to back you up.”
Originally from Louisiana, Jacob college rodeoed for several schools and settled in Oklahoma, where he met his girlfriend, Jessica Koppitz, who won the breakaway roping in the KPRA in 2014. “She’s an excellent roper, and dedicated to everything she does, and that makes me want to accomplish more than I already set out to do. It’s truly a blessing that she came across my path.”
Jacob goes to the practice pen as often as possible, just 30 minutes down the road from Frontier Rodeo Company. Presently, he works at a feed mill, helping mix and create feeds, and on weekends, he enjoys hunting and fishing with friends. “I grew up on a bayou in Louisiana, so I like to do it all. I’m working full time right now so I have the money to back me up for rodeoing full time,” he explains. “I’m very strong in my faith and belief, and I want to do anything and everything in rodeo. My goal is to win a world title in the PRCA, and a title in the CBR. I know I can only ride bulls for so long, so if I’m going to compete, I’m going to do it big!”