Meet the Member Jenise Owens

Jenise with her husband Scott - courtesy of the family

story by Lindsay King

“There is no such thing as too many dogs or horses,” said Jenise Owens, Beulah, Wyoming, rancher and NSPRA competitor. “Some would say I have an addiction, we breed Bernese Mountain Dogs and then I have some other misfits. A good day is just spent playing with my dogs, they are always happy to see me. You just cannot beat that.” Originally from the east coast and world of hunter jumpers, Jenise started rodeo when she was 25. “I had some friends that were barrel racing, so I thought I would give it a try. I have been addicted ever since.” Used to beaches and English saddles, Jenise was in awe of the mountains and western tradition when she first moved to Wyoming. “I went to a couple of different schools, but I finished my animal science degree at Casper College.”
Now the owner of several successful businesses, Jenise lives in Wyoming with her husband Scott and their two-year-old son Cactus. “Between the two of us we have six kids all together: Allan, 26, Alixzandra, 24, Clayton, 20, Ronni, 18, and Jordan, 16. All of the kids know how to ride and some of them compete also. Basically, we are all just one big horse family.” Scott and Jenise own and operate the Rockin’ Diamond Ranch where they run cattle, sheep, goats and a plethora of horses. “I used to have a big ranch in Casper, we had 750 cows. I enjoyed it, but I like that we can put more time into our horses.”
The couple start and train horses every day and love it. “We also have a barrel horse training facility in Tennessee, but we like being up here on the ranch the most.” Though she is a barrel racer by nature, Jenise is learning how to breakaway rope for her first competitive season in the NSPRA. “I have not roped long enough to say it is my favorite yet, but I really like it so far and the idea of doing two separate events.” Contrary to most, Jenise enjoys the atmosphere of a rodeo more than a barrel jackpot. “The people in the NSPRA are great. Everyone is so friendly and willing to help. I am sitting well in my division now, hopefully that continues through the end of the year.” She is currently only a few hundred dollars away from filling her permit for the WPRA.
Three people in Jenise’s life have pushed her to excel in life and rodeo. “Someone I have always looked up to is Judy Myllymaki. I am in awe of the way she handles her horses, she just has a finesse about it.” Attending Judy’s clinics since she was 26, Jenise gleans all she can from her. She uses many of Judy’s techniques with her own horses. “I did not have the background to get into barrel racing and training, Judy helped me a ton. Neither of us will probably ever know just how much though.” Jenise’s mom and Scott have been the backbone of her success. “My mom is just the go out and get it done kind of person. My husband is the one who got me in the trailer just after I had Cactus. He really pushes me to do my best.”
One rodeo Jenise looks forward to every year is the Battle for Christ in Mississippi. A three-day barrel race benefiting people getting their life back on track after overcoming addiction. “That is a group I will forever sponsor. It helps so many people. I go to that race simply to see all the people there changing their lives for the better. Their accomplishments are way more important than running some cans.”