Meet the Member Kay Boyles

Kay Boyles - Pounding Hooves Photography

story by Terry Rhodes

Kay Boyles was shocked at the 2015 NSFR Awards Banquet. It was her first year in the association and her first time at their Finals. “When I got to the awards banquet, I had no idea that I was in a position to win anything. I was just there to have a good time being it was my first year. When they called my name, I thought they made a mistake. I asked them three times if that was right before I accepted the buckle. I’m actually in the 60’s category but last year you could enter ‘down’ and I entered in the 40’s and 50’s and qualified in both. I finished second in the 50’s.” In just her first year with the National Senior Pro Rodeo Association, Kay Boyles walked off with the 2015 National Senior Pro Rodeo Barrel Racing Championship for the 40-49 age group.
For Kay there are a lot of good things about the NSPRA that have made her first year a great experience. “It was so much fun last year. The fellowship at Senior Pro Rodeos is wonderful, and it’s nice to get to travel across the country and be able to stay there a few days to do some site seeing, trying new restaurants, and meeting new people.” She has competed in the WPRA and now also holds Texas Senior Pro Rodeo card.
Up until recently Kay has trained the horses she and her daughters compete on. The horse that she rode to win her the world title on is extra special. “I bought him on a whim and he looked terrible. People laughed at me when I brought him home. But I took him on, trained him and got him going. I took him to the SNFR last year and that was his first real excursion away from home and he made so many nice runs. I still can’t believe he was actually the horse that I won the Year End title on.”
Just to keep the good mojo going Kay has a few tenets she follows. “I think most people have some superstitions; some they won’t admit to. I never wear yellow, or eat peanuts on the way to a rodeo. That may be a Texas one, I don’t know. But it’s right there with not putting your hat on the bed. I do have a pair of American Eagle sox that I’ll wear if I’ve got a big run coming up. They’re getting a little thread bare, but I still keep them in the trailer.” In a more serious tone, Kay says, “Most importantly, I thank God for each and every day and the opportunities He allows, and for my family for their love and support.”
Growing up around cattle and horses, Kay easily found her way into the arena. “When I was in junior high I used to do day work on ranches around home. So I was riding all the time. I did do some 4-H and FFA events and anything I could get into. There was an old man near here that got me started running barrels on his horses. He was friends with Wanda Bush so I was kind of his barrel horse jockey and rode her style.”
Raising a family and getting youngsters to their rodeo events slowed Kay’s own competition. “There for awhile that’s about all I did was haul the kids around while they competed on my horses. We had two girls that did real well in high school rodeo and college rodeo.”
Kay and her husband, Shannon live in Junction, Texas. They have two grown daughters and two grandsons.
Leisure time is spent kayaking on the creek at their place, trail riding, and raising a few Corrientes.