Meet the Member Madison Guillory

LHSRA Senior member Madison Guillory -

story by Siri Stevens

Sixteen-year-old Madison Guillory started roping the middle of her sixth grade year. “My sister (Elise) was into it a lot more than I was when we were younger. I watched her rope and thought I wanted to do that and I started roping.” She used to goat ty and ribbon rope, but has decided to focus on breakaway roping. “My sister’s main thing was roping too, and that’s what we would focus on.”  Elise is now in college studying chemical engineering. Their parents, Andree and Gary, didn’t grow up around horses. “My uncle had horses and when we were little my sister always begged my parents for a horse and when I was two, we moved out of the neighborhood and we bought my sister a horse. I followed in her footsteps.” She rides Yukon, a 14-year-old quarter horse that belonged to her neighbors, who had an arena and cattle. “We started riding there and that’s how we got into roping. Every Tuesday and Thursday we go over there and rope. That’s where we got both my first horse and Yukon.”

Madison is a straight A student at East Ascension High School in Gonzales. Her favorite class is math because it comes easy to her. Her least favorite is chemistry. The school is very sports oriented and she goes to a lot of baseball and football games. Now that school is over, Madison will concentrate on practicing for the IFYR and spend times with friends tubing on False River. Her dad works for Performance Contractors and her mom is an auditor.
“I met all my friends through going to rodeos. I love my rodeo families. We hang out and cook and it’s fun.”  She got her drivers license on March 22, and she drives a Ford F350. She hasn’t mastered pulling the trailer yet. “My dad doesn’t let us do it, he doesn’t even let my mom do it.”