Meet the Member: Nicole Sederstrom

Nicole Sederstrom -Rodeo News

story by Siri Stevens

19-year-old Nicole Sederstrom is the 2016 KPRA Rookie of the Year. The Goodland, Kansas, native grew up riding horses and started competing in the National Little Britches when she was 5. Her dad, Greg, had horses when he was young, but now Nicole is the only one in the family that rides. “I have a younger brother, Blaine, that eats, sleeps, and breathes farming, so my main job growing up was taking care of my horses.” The family farms corn, soy beans, and wheat. Her mom, Amy, keeps the books for the farm and is a part owner in a truck and tractor repair shop.
This is Nicole’s second year at Northeastern Junior College in Sterling, Colorado. “I was dead set on another school in Kansas when the Segelkes told me to check it out,” she said. “It just felt right – and it’s been a fit ever since. I like it up here- it’s a homey town and the community supports the college. I also like the practice schedule – NJC has the best practice out there. They have mandatory practice all the way through until Thanksgiving. We practice on perfect stock – once anything gets worn out he trades it out and gets new – fresh good stock.” The fall season is finished for the college rodeo team, and Nicole ended the season sitting first in the Central Rocky Mountain Region in the breakaway. Due to her college rodeo schedule, Nicole was unable to attend the KPRA Finals. This is her final year at NJC, and she will transfer next year and continue on her goal of an Animal Science major.
This was her first year in the KPRA and she had a fun summer of rodeo. “I worked at TBar Ranch in Goodland during the day, riding and checking pens, and doctoring cattle. I’d get off work around 2 and my mom and dad and I would jump in the truck and trailer and go to a rodeo, then home to work again.”
She thought the rodeos were really organized and the stock was even.