Meet the Member Tamra Dahl

Tamra and Nathan Dahl - courtesy of the family

story by Terry Rhodes

It’s no secret that rodeo brings people together. Not only to compete in rodeo, but meeting that special someone in your life like Tamra (Nator) Dahl did. “He was calf roping and heeling in the team roping at a rodeo in Riverton when I met him.” Now, fast forward eight years, and the couple has two children and both Tamra and her husband, Nathan are competing in the Rocky Mountain Pro Rodeo Association.
Tamra says the Rocky Mountain rodeos are really enjoyable and a great family activity. “The rodeos are awesome, they’re close to home so we can travel with our two kids and it’s a family event for us. It’s a great experience.” She has been in the Rocky Mountain Pro Rodeo Association for about five years. While Tamra is turning steers on the head side, Nathan is cleaning up heels. Team roping is her main event but she does some breakaway roping and recently started in the barrels. She also competes in the USTRC and World Series of Team Roping where she has collected about $8,000 so far this year.
Learning to rope can be a real challenge. Learning to ride and rope at the same time throws a whole lot more into the equation and Tamra did both at the same time. “It took me a lot of time just going to the arena and riding. I loped a lot of circles and I chased a lot of cows. My mom and my step-dad helped me get started and after I met Nathan he helped me a lot.” Diligence and hard work were a big part of the learning – that and having the right attitude. “I’m a very competitive person and I will stay up late until I master it. I will practice until I get it.” She credits Nathan as being her biggest help and influence. “He’s taught me 99% of what I know about horses and roping. I was really new to all this and he has gotten me to where I am today.”
The work that Tamra put in has paid off and she recalls, “I think it was my second year in the RMPRA and Nathan was taking me everywhere to rodeo. It was my first year in the breakaway and I won at Hinkley. That was just the best feeling when I finally put one together and getting that win. I was using his heel horse so it was really special to me.”
Just to make sure that there is good mojo at every rodeo, Tamra has Nathan pick out both her belt buckle and shirt that she will wear. “That’s about my only superstition about competition.”
Tamra and Nathan live in West Weber, Utah with their two daughters, Laynee Jayne, 4 ,  Charlee Ann, 16 months. “I think Laynee Jayne will be a roper for sure.” During the week Tamra is a stay-at-home mom and she says that keeps her busier than working outside home. Goals for the future are to continue to rodeo and raise her family.