Meet the Board Member Dale Rising

Dale Rising - courtesy PSRA

courtesy of Brenda Reay, PSRA secretary

Dale Rising, the quiet, kind, retired Union Pacific Railroad employee of 38 years and 6 months, is not new to the rodeo arena. Dale started at the railroad working for the Chicago Northwestern. At one point, the Union Pacific bought that company out and he continued to work for Union Pacific the remainder of his career. Dale had the opportunity to work on new construction all over the United States. He worked on concrete ties in Northern California to Nampa, Idaho as well as in Illinois. Dale’s favorite job before retirement was working as a crane operator.
Our board members and office staff are pleased that Dale chooses to be in a leadership position within the Professional Senior Rodeo Association. As a matter of fact, he is one of the first co-founders of the Professional Senior Rodeo Association. He has been involved in many associations throughout his 72 years. Dale was introduced to rodeo in 1959 and has been hooked on the sport ever since. In 1966 he won his first championship at the National Little Britches Association in the Steer Wrestling event in Littleton, Colorado. Dale won the bull riding jackpot at Jerome Robinson’s clinic with 77 riders attending. His first exposure to the National Old Timer’s Association was with his Dad and Uncle in Hyannis, Nebraska. Dale has been a member of the National Senior Professional Rodeo Association for years and also served on their Board of Directors. While a member in that association he was also the Steer Wrestling Director for five terms. While participating in those rodeos he has won the Steer Wrestling Championship in 2011, 2012 and 2013. Dale also won NSPRA Reserve Champion in the Team Roping Event in 2013.
While participating in the P.S.R.A. Dale respectably won the Tie-Down Championship in 2019 in the 68+ age division.
Dale still enjoys entering and participates in the Tie-Down Roping, Ribbon Roping, Team Roping and Men’s Breakaway Events. If you see Dale on the rodeo trail he will be listening to his favorite George Strait, finding the best pasta in the area and don’t ever forget his love of the movie, ‘Lonesome Dove”.
As our rodeo season starts we want to send our best wishes to all rodeo of all ages and all associations. Happy Trails and safe travels from everyone here at the PSRA.