Meet the Member Hailey Dixon

Hailey Dixon - Kendra Sue Photography

Story by Naomi Loomis
WSRRA Media Coordinator

The Western States Ranch Rodeo Association contributes its success to countless volunteers, sponsors, and fans, as well as a small group of full-time staff members and interns. With a full-time staff of only 30 individuals, having a media intern is a critical part of the success of the WSRRA National Finals Ranch Rodeo in Winnemucca, Nevada. It is also important to a great group of folks behind the scenes each day for the association. Being involved is an opportunity to be directly involved in the daily activities of the WSRRA National Finals Rodeo. In addition, to having valuable hands-on experience.
The face behind the computer is Hailey Dixon. Hailey has taken on our website. Our social media internship focuses on: assisting with social media engagement by helping manage social channels and drafting and editing copy for social channels.
You may remember but in 2017, we had Hailey as our WSRRA intern and this summer she has joined our team as the Lady Behind the Computer. We are excited to have her input and your skills as we work together to build up our new website.
Hailey talks a little bit about her family, “My husband, Blake, works at the Idaho National Laboratory as a Nuclear Operator. He grew up on a ranch and continues to cowboy on the weekends. I grew up on a farm in Gooding, Idaho. I grew up competing in rodeo and married into the ranch lifestyle. We have been married for 13 years and we have 3 children. Oaklee is 9 and she loves school and learning. Cooper is 6, he is all cowboy and wants to be a team roper or a bull fighter. Cade is 3 years old and is happy anytime he gets to be outside or riding in the truck!”
The digital world is where Hailey is awesome at and she tell me a little bit about her story, “I went to school and received my bachelor’s degree in business marketing. I have always found computer design fun and now it is a great opportunity for me to be home with my kids and help in their school.”.
As we are all aware the digital world is always changing. It is often trying as well. “Social Media has only increased the need for my line of work. More businesses need logos, websites, marketing flyers and more. It defiantly keeps me busy. I appreciate every business that trusts me to help them in their design process, but I love working on projects for ranching families. I have created many custom ranching books, calving books, logos, horse sale print ads, horse sale videos and so much more,” states Hailey. “The amazing thing about my job is that I don’t have to have a specific target audience. I work with construction companies, photography companies, young entrepreneurs, ranchers etc.”
I asked Hailey about how she foresees family ranching and ranching in in general evolving in the next decade. “I like to think positive and have a hopeful outlook on family ranches for the future. I hope that the country realizes how important ranching is for our country and our economy. I hope people begin to recognize the amazing people that raise their food and keep traditions alive.”
Hailey also talks about the biggest challenges facing family ranches and the ranching industry, “The list of challenges facing family ranches and the ranching industry is too long to type out and I think each ranch struggles in their own way. I know in our region we struggle with little rain and no grass. That translates into feeding hay sooner than normal and a higher feed bill for the year. But ranching families are resilient and strong.”
On behalf of the WSRRA, welcome Hailey to our crew. You have already made our days easier.