Meet the Member Haze Kuykendall

Haze Kuykendall - Toby Fournet Photography

story by Mackie Ford

I caught up with Haze Kuykendall, an Oklahoma Junior High School Rodeo Association member and son of Justin and Mandie Kuykendall, on his journey from backstage to the spotlight. He is inspired by what is offered to him by being in this organization. Haze sees his sixteen-year-old brother, Chisolm, an Oklahoma High School Rodeo Association member, as his role model. He strives to one day be as good as his older brother! Haze competes in breakaway roping, goat tying, and ribbon roping. Breakaway is his favorite, and he hopes to make nationals this year. He is well on his way, qualifying in the top 15 in all his events his 6th grade year at the 2023 Oklahoma Junior High Rodeo State Finals.
Every kid dreams of being a cowboy when they grow up, and this 13-year-old has found a way to channel that spirit into the spotlight by seeing the possibility the world of rodeo offers. Of course, we all know that rodeo makes life sweeter, and it’s no different for Haze. The daily duties of practice, riding, and caring for his horses give youth such as Haze a treasure of opportunity for the mind and soul. Although Haze is in the arena every chance he gets, he has other hobbies he enjoys as well. He attends Carnegie Middle School in Carnegie, Oklahoma, where he plays football, basketball, and baseball. Haze is an all-around athlete and can do it all – probably with a Dr. Pepper in hand. You can also find him fishing or hunting on many occasions! Along with his horses, Haze loves time with his dogs, Hank and Tie.
One has to believe this young man has the “right stuff” to pursue his career as a rodeo cowboy. When asked who his inspiring celebrity is, his answer was clear: none other than the legendary John Wayne. This American icon has inspired moviegoers generation after generation. John Wayne always represented what is right, which Haze also strives to do. “Work Hard” is the saying Haze lives by, and it is clear he embodies the definition of hard work and determination.