Meet the Member Martha Hicks

Martha Hicks and her daughter Brianna - Courtesy of the family

story by Michele Toberer

A rodeo secretary is generally the first face competitors see when they check into a rodeo, and the person they search for when they need some help. They’re one of the behind-the-scenes roles that keep everything running smoothly so that rodeo competitors can do what they love weekend after weekend. Martha Hicks, of Harrison, Arkansas has gladly taken on that role, and becoming a rodeo secretary 5 years ago has added a dimension to her life she never would have expected. Martha has been a rodeo secretary for Arkansas Cowboys Association rodeos for the past 3 years, and also works as a rodeo secretary for Rand Rodeo Company and the Arkansas Rodeo Association. “There is a lot of work going on behind the scenes. It’s pretty obvious in the arena the work that is going on to put a good show on for the contestants and audience, but there is a lot of work going on that people never see.”
Martha, who by day is an alternative learning teacher at Omaha High School, has lived in Harrison, Arkansas since she was 5 years old. Rodeo was not a big part of her life until the passing of her husband, Brian Hicks, 13 years ago. “My brother-in-law, Danny Howell, is married to my youngest sister, Mandy, and he stepped in and became like a second daddy to my daughter, Brianna, when her daddy passed away. He got her involved in rodeo. Rodeo has been a true blessing in our lives, because it brought Brianna out of her depression after losing her dad and helped her with self-confidence as she became involved in something wonderful. She loves it, and I’m thrilled to be able to do it with her.”
Starting out, Martha was the ultimate supportive mom and aunt, to Brianna, 23, and nephew and nieces; Gus Howell, 17, Dally Howell, 13, and Josie Howell, 11; keeping track of times as she cheered them on at the rodeos, so that they could know how they were placing. “Shelli Jones got me involved as a secretary in the beginning and has been a huge mentor to me. Kellie Wells has also been a huge help to me as a secretary, and she keeps me straight. The knowledge and support I receive from them is so helpful. The comradery of the rodeo group is wonderful. I get to spend every weekend with people I love, not just my family, but also my rodeo family.”
Martha’s daughter Brianna competes as a barrel racer in the ACA and is also part of the Chicks and Spurs drill team. Brianna recently graduated with an accounting degree, and when she is not rodeoing, she is running her uncle’s deli counter and doing the bookwork for the deli. Martha and Brianna spend most of their time on the road together. “We have a living quarter trailer and we are traveling with it all year long. From the first weekend in April until the third weekend in November we are gone to rodeos, and I normally only have about 5 weekends off during that span. I also secretary at an ACA rodeo series held in Berryville and Mountain Home, Arkansas that is 20 Monday nights in a row. During the school year, I’m generally leaving every Friday from school to go straight to a rodeo. Most of the rodeos we go to are close to 2 hours away, but I love getting to travel with my daughter so much, she’s my very best friend.”
“The ACA is a wonderful association to be a part of. I have been able to meet so many people and it’s opened up a lot of new friendships for me. I am so grateful to be a part of this rodeo world.”