Meet the Member Neal Borntrager

Neal Borntrager at Kendallville - Rayne Sherman, Circle S Photo

story by Michele Toberer

“My whole life all I wanted to be was a cowboy, riding the ranges, and working cattle on a big ranch,” explained Neal Borntrager of Middlebury, Indiana. However, being a cowboy seemed like only a dream to Neal as he grew up in Riceville, Iowa as a part of the Amish community. He was surrounded by farms and animals, but thought being a cowboy was something that wouldn’t materialize for his future. After leaving the Amish at 18, Neal moved to Middlebury and after attending his first rodeo in Goshen, Indiana as a 19-year-old, his course in life took a turn. “I had never been to a rodeo, and didn’t know anyone that rodeoed, but after I saw it, I knew that was what I wanted to do. I didn’t know anyone there, but I talked to a bull rider named Lyle Schrock at the rodeo and asked if he’d help me.” Lyle took Neal to a couple practice pens and loaned him his gear for the first few rodeos so Neal could see if it was what he really wanted to do. “That first bull was a rush, he was just a jump-kicker, but I don’t really remember anything during the 5-seconds I was on him. Everything blacked out, but it was such a rush, like nothing I’d ever done before, and I have loved it every day since then. I knew I was going to keep at it. There aren’t a lot of opportunities to be a cowboy in Indiana, so being a rodeo cowboy is as close as I can get.”
Now 24, Neal has been competing for 5 years and is finding quite a bit of success in his rodeo career. A special highlight was winning the Mid-States Rodeo Association rodeo in Goshen, Indiana this year, in an arena that his passion for the sport was initially sparked. “I rode a bull owned by Flying Stars Rodeo Company, the bull is #88, and it was one of the most outstanding rides I’ve made. It was pretty great to make that ride there in Goshen.” Neal has competed in the MSRA for 5 years and has qualified for the season finals for the last 4 years. “Last year at the MSRA finals rodeo, I won the finals average in bull riding, and this year I finished as the 2019 Mid-States Rodeo Association Champion Bull Rider.”
Neal’s main goal over the past 5 years has been to continue his quest to ride bulls. He also competed in the International Professional Rodeo Association this season and will be going into IFR50 as the 6th place bull rider and top rookie. He is looking forward to continuing his competition with the MSRA and hopes to add a back-to back champion title to his list of accomplishments at the completion of 2020. When he’s not rodeoing, Neal works in construction for D & S Builders where he does building, remodeling, and handyman jobs. “I’ve worked there the past year, and they’ve been great to accommodate my rodeo schedule.”
Although it has been challenging to leave the life he had as a child, he is glad to be where he is now. “I look back at my childhood as the good old days, but I enjoy this life and am happy to be where I am now.” Neal is very appreciative to Lyle Schrock for helping him get his start in rodeo. “I don’t know how many people would step out of their way to help a stranger get started like that. I appreciate what he did for me very much. I am so thankful to everyone that has helped me on this journey.”