Meet the Member Ty Fenster

Ty saddle bronc riding - Buffy Kelly Photography

by Naomi Loomis,
WSRRA Association Representative

Ty Fenster is a ranch-raised cowboy from Casper, Wyoming that is currently working in Wheatland, Wyoming. Ty is always sporting a smile. “About anyone who knows me, knows I am kind of a clown. I’m always dancing or singing at rodeos, having a good time. Other than that, I am just an everyday cowboy. I enjoy riding colts and being outside hunting or fishing. But, my favorite thing to do is try to snag a loop on just about anything I think I can. There is quite the list of things I have been successful at roping and it just keeps getting longer.”
Ty got on his first ranch bronc about 5 years ago in Curtis, NE. My brother, TeJay Fenster, had been riding ranch broncs for a little while and entered me in that ranch bronc. He had ridden enough colts, that he thought he would give it a try. I guess you could say the rest is history, but it really isn’t history. Ty continues to rise to the top of the Western States Ranch Rodeo Association Ranch Bronc standings.
Ty is no stranger to the rodeo trails and rodeo world. “I grew up around rodeo. My dad rode saddle broncs and always had TeJay and I at rodeos to watch. I always had been a big fan of the bull riding. My dad got us started riding sheep at first, then moved up to steers, then bulls. I rode bulls at all levels for about 12 years. I went to a few PRCA rodeos, college rodeo and was a part of a bunch of other associations. I have joked for the last couple years that ranch broncs have paid for my bull riding habits as I have had better luck riding broncs. I retired from riding bulls in February of this year and have put my whole focus on ranch bronc riding.”
“My brother told me about the WSRRA as he had been riding broncs in the association for a couple years. He was a big supporter of the association and I wanted to be a part of it. I enjoy the fact that 95% of the guys in the WSRRA are everyday working cowboys. They aren’t the typical rodeo cowboys. They are the guys who come to town on the weekend to have a chance to win some extra money then have to be at work bright in early Monday morning.”
Riding ranch broncs and life have a lot in common and Ty talks about how they relate. “I think the most important skill is just to have a lot of try. If a guy has a lot of try along with good timing and balance, he’s set. The guy with the most try will beat the guy with the most talent a lot of the time. Riding broncs helps my everyday aspect in the fact that I ride a lot of colts. Between riding broncs and bulls, learning to have a lot of try sure helps me not get bucked off a saddle horse near as easy.”
On the WSRRA rodeo trail, Ty explains what he takes on the road. “First two things that come to mind are my brother TeJay and TJ Camblin. I travel with them whether it’s a good thing or not. I make sure I always have an energy drink of sorts usually a Monster with Extra Spearmint gum. I started that riding bulls and I can’t break tradition. The last thing I usually have, is my dog Putz. Very rarely do you see me without her somewhere close to me.”
One of my favorite bronc rides, happens to by Ty’s as well. In 2016, at the Kimball Ranch rodeo, Ty had a great ride and win. “Kimball’s Ranch Rodeo 3 years ago is my most proud win. I drew Storm Watch of Bad Medicine Rodeo Company and had heard a lot about her. She is a super stout and strong mare that gives a guy a big chance to be a pile of points and i was lucky enough to get her rode for my very 1st WSRRA win.”
One thing about ranch bronc riders is that they have at least one favorite bronc and Ty is no different. “My favorite bronc so far is Ruby of Bad Medicine Rodeo Company. I have been on her a few times and she has always helped me get into the money. She is kind of hard to track but every time a guy draws her, he will be in the money if he gets her rode.”
I asked Ty what it takes to be successful in ranch bronc riding. “I feel that riding bulls helped me a bunch. It gave me the “Don’t quit till your head hits the ground” attitude. Also, making sure I surround myself with good people who want to help you better yourself. I make sure I am around guys like my brother, TJ Camblin, Wes Aragon, and many others who will be there to help you or try to talk your ear off if you give them the chance.”
Ty has gold buckles in his goals, and I know that there will be. “My biggest goal is to make WSRRA finals. I have been close the last couple years but never quite had enough points. I would like to accomplish making it to finals not only as a bronc rider but on a team as well. If I could accomplish both of those this year, then I would have to go after a WSRRA World Title.”
“I hope I can continue riding broncs for a few more years and help the WSRRA grow. It’s a great association that is growing every day. It sure is a good way for the average guy to get a chance to show his skills off for a bit.”
Ty, on behalf of the WSRRA, I will see you at the 2019 WSRRA National Finals.