Meet the Members Addy Haviland

UHSRA President, Addy Haviland
– Diane Garcia Photography

story by Magie Downare Nevius

Head of state for the UHSRA student officers, Addy Haviland leads with an extensive résumé. The two-time NHSFR qualifier takes to the arena in seven events and excels with current listings in individual and team standings to own a sixth place seed in the all-around rankings. “She competes in all of the events available, except for the queen contest. Addy is a very busy girl and keeps me on my toes,” her mom said.
Starting competition within the UJHSRA in seventh grade, Addy progressed her talents to double qualifications for the NHSFR in the breakaway and goat tying her sophomore year. “She then switched horses midseason, which set her behind in the goat tying last year,” her mom said. Despite the setback, Addy returned her junior year to take the Utah reserve team roping header crown and made it back to Nationals.
Rodeo runs throughout the Haviland family, starting with Addy’s stock contracting great grandpa and branching out from there. Both of her parents (Shane and Dana) competed throughout high school and Dana went on to college rodeo, while Shane shows reining cow horse. As older sister (Haylee, 24) competed within the UHSRA, older brother (Tannar, 21) was also a member an continues to work as a pickup man. “She has a huge rodeo background and it was only fitting that she joined in on the fun,” Dana said.
Addy’s experience on the board began with her serving last year as the student vice president, which led to her position as the 2014-2015 president, where she has been instrumental in getting the association involved in a juvenile diabetes service project. “This one hits close to our hearts and Addy is very compassionate about the project,” Dana said. To raise awareness and money for the research foundation, Addy has done work with eight-time World Champion cowboy Joe Beaver and five-time World Champion steer wrestler Luke Branquinho, to bring the state finals to hosting “Bold Enough to Wear Blue” (BEWB). BEWB is a supporter that welcomes introductions to corporate and private foundations that are interested in improving opportunities to the BEWB diabetes awareness program. It builds alliances with those interested in recognizing the importance of providing people the opportunity to learn more about the autoimmune disease. “She sits on the Board with her best friends, who are just as passionate about the cause as she is, which has been great. As a team, they hope that wearing blue at the finals will bring in donations to contribute to the 14-billion dollar per year expense on medical research to help over 80 people diagnosed a day,” Dana said.
Addy’s passion to involve others started with her older brother, who was diagnosed with Type-1 Diabetes at the age of 7, but in an unexpected and life changing period, was diagnosed herself with the same disease in January. “I was a basket case when she was diagnosed, but Addy truly believes that it’s her trial in life and feels that she was diagnosed for a reason. She wants to be able to raise awareness and help people with her personal connection with it,” Dana said. Addy has set out to researching the disease and has discovered that it rare (less than 10%) to have siblings diagnosed, as both parents that do not have the medical condition, but many people have been affected by it. “It is definitely a lifestyle change. Addy checks her blood average between six and 10 times per day and definitely before she practices. She must take a shot before eating, which is approximately three to four times per day and must maintain a healthy diet, but none of it has slowed her down,” Dana said. “She would like to do the best that she can and hopefully make it back to Nationals.”
The 18-year-old senior at Mountain Crest High School used to play basketball, but decided to give it up in order to rodeo all year long. “It was a tough decision and I was sad to see her have to make it, because she was a good little basketball player,” Dana said. Having been approached by several institutions of higher learning, the Avon, Utah resident has accepted a scholarship to Weber State University, where she plans on majoring in early childhood development. “Outside of her horses, little kids are her life,” Dana said.