Meet the Members Anna & Tyler Williams

Anna (above right) and Tyler (above left) at the 2015 LJHSFR with their mother, Jaime - Rodeo Bum

story by Ruth Nicolaus

Anna and Tyler Williams are twins and both members of the Louisiana Junior High School Rodeo Association.
The sister-brother duo live in Colfax, La., where Anna does barrel racing, goat tying, ribbon roping, and breakaway roping. She is currently ranked number one in the state standings in her favorite event, goat tying.
Her brother Tyler team ropes, heading for Jayce Reeves. He rides a six year old sorrel named Washpot, who is also ridden by Anna for the goat tying. For the barrels, she rides Sheba, a bay. For the breakaway, she rides an eight year old paint named Ace. The family also has another horse, BB, who is Anna’s former pole bending horse.
The twins are seventh grade students at Grant Junior High. Anna’s favorite subject in school is P.E., where she loves to run pacers, sprinting from the basketball lines at one end of the gym to the other. She has run 94 pacers at one time, and she would run more, but the counter only goes to 94.
Tyler’s favorite class is American History. The class is studying the Revolutionary War, which is one of his favorite topics.
When Anna grows up, she’d like to be a veterinarian or horse trainer. Tyler would like to be a timed event stock contractor.
Both rodeo athletes made it to state finals last year, Anna in goat tying, barrels, and poles, and Tyler in the goat tying. Anna finished in the top ten in the state in goats last year; Tyler finished in the top fifteen.
They have an older sister, Emily, who is fifteen. Tyler says, “Being the only boy in the house is boring,” but when he tries to make it more exciting, he gets in trouble. “If I pick on the girls, I get in trouble, but they don’t get in trouble for picking on me.”
They are the children of Brad and Jaime Williams.