Meet the Rodeo 2015 PAFRA World Finals

Finals contestants – Brian Gauck

story courtesy of  Adam Pollard USMC

Professional Armed Forces Rodeo Association 2015 Season is complete.  Our Military cowboys and cowgirls have been competing all season for the honor to compete in PAFRA 2015 World Finals Rodeo. PAFRA is the premier Military Rodeo Association.  Competitors come from all over the world to compete for the prestigious honor of being crowned WORLD CHAMPION.  PAFRA is the only Military Association to crown World Champions.
PAFRA is a world-wide military rodeo association comprised of active duty, guard, reserve, and honorably discharged veterans and their dependents. The association exists to bring together people who share the two loves of our “military and rodeo.”  PAFRA has slowly grown into the premier global military rodeo association featuring the First All American World Finals Rodeo.
The patriotic foundation of PAFRA is our heritage.  The history of Military and Rodeo are intertwined.  With an eye on the future, we recognize our past.  We honor our past, present and future Military Cowboys and Cowgirls in our Grand Entry. PAFRA was formed in 2000 and has been steadily growing ever since, each year breaks records set by the last. PAFRA has slowly grown into the premier global military rodeo association. PAFRA members have been fostering a global community for rodeo participants who share a connection to the United States Military.  As a result of this, PAFRA has been creating its own traditions.
Spectators can expect to see members of our Armed Forces competing in the traditional rodeo events Bareback, Saddle Bronc, Barrel Racing, Tie Down Roping, Team Roping (heading and heeling), Breakaway Roping, Chute Dogging, and Bull Riding.  At the end of 3 go-rounds Professional Armed Forces Rodeo Association will crown our 2015 World Champions.
The Horseshoe Arena in Midland, Texas is hosting the event for the fifth year in a row.  The dates of the rodeo are very special to PAFRA.  November 13 and 14 are our dates.  The weekend following the Marine Corps Birthday (10th) and Veterans Day (11th).  Midland, Texas considers November Patriots month.  The facility will be Red, White, and Blue in honor of these dates.
There will be mutton busting during every performance, and the San Angelo Ambassadors drill team will be performing in Saturday’s final performance.  There will also be barrelmen and comedian Jerry Casey (US Army), along with a freestyle reining tribute.  Ricky Bindseil will be announcing all three performances and Johnny Hoyle will be bringing Cadillac Rodeo Company to supply the bucking stock.