Sponsor Spotlight Protect the Harvest and Lucus Oil with Shawn Burtenshaw

Shawn Burtenshaw - Courtesy of Shawn

by Naomi Loomis,
WSRRA Association Representative

Our Mission: Inform. Protect. Respond.
• INFORM and EDUCATE Americans about the activities of animal rights groups, anti-agriculture groups and other non-governmental organizations that threaten agriculture, animal welfare, our traditions, and way of life.
• PROTECT our freedoms and way of life by supporting agriculture, land use, hunting and fishing, animal ownership, and animal welfare.
• RESPOND to laws, regulations, or misinformation that would negatively impact animal welfare, animal ownership, restrict our rights, and limit our freedoms.
This mission statement of Protect the Harvest can be found on their website.
In 2018, Protect the Harvest and Lucas Oil was our Presenting Sponsor of the WSRRA. We are honored to have such great companies sponsoring our association. Protect the Harvest is a non-profit organization committed to informing and educating the public about how animal rights and environmental extremist groups are working to influence our government and legal system. These groups and their activities are threatening agriculture, animal ownership, and land and water use – our very way of life.
I sat down with Shawn Burtenshaw, he is one of their volunteers.
Shawn was raised in farming and ranching in Idaho. His family was highly involved in livestock marketing. He spent most of his youth, backgrounding calves in feedlots in the winters and taking care of grass yearlings in the summer. He talks about his involvement in the rodeo arena, “I’ve always been involved with horses and rodeo. In high school rodeo I was the All Around Champion. Saddle bronc was my favorite event.” He also managed some cattle ranches in Nevada for several years. Then in 2013, he moved his family to Wyoming, where he leased a ranch and ran cows and a few yearlings. Shawn has three daughters and two sons.
Shawn currently lives in Idaho, where he is in the middle of restoring an old cabin his spare time. “Hopefully by winter my cabin will be completed.”
On behalf of the WSRRA, we would like to say “Thank You” for all your work in protecting our way of life, in the rodeo arena and in everyday life. “Thank You” Shawn, for all your hard work as well.
LUCAS OIL and Protect The Harvest have been highly involved with WSRRA as a sponsor and promoter of their events.
Folks, please head over to their website and check out what they are doing to help all of us out: https://protecttheharvest.com/ or find them on Facebook.