“What’s Behind the Curtain?”

A Triple Crown of success!  Three leaders and well recognized within their respective industries as such have forged an innovative relationship designed to benefit YOU the equine enthusiast!
Mile Hi is so very proud to be aligned with this new endeavor and proud to announce a new sponsor to our prestigious line up for 2015:  CINCHARENAS!  We have some exciting events and new concepts coming your way in the upcoming year!   Stay tuned for further details.
But first, let me share CINCHARENAS with all of you!
CINCHARENAS, a newly forged relationship, brings together the expertise of Maverick Steel, one of the largest steel building erectors in the state of Colorado specializing in pre-engineered red iron buildings with the exceptional knowledge and success of Priefert Manufacturing, Inc; a recognized leader in livestock handling equipment.  Priefert arenas, chutes, stalls and other components are the preferred equipment at facilities across the United States.
Cinch = innovation!  Cinch has been creating quality clothing both in and out of the arena.  You’ll find some of the best athletes from the Western Equine Industry wearing Cinch because of its quality fit, design, and commitment to the Western look.  They have become the number one choice for many within the western lifestyle and attributes rodeo athletes and new, innovative growing events for their success in becoming a denim leader in the western world!
Cinch is now taking this same innovation and commitment to the Western Lifestyle to the arena itself!  CINCHA+RENAS are innovative, custom indoor arena sdesigned to fit your specific needs and budget with a wide variety of options!    Only CINCHARENAS will receive the prestigious CINCHARENA branding and labeling following completion of the project!
Often times, indoor arenas, barns, and buildings are built without consideration for the multipurpose use of the arena.  Designers have often overlooked key factors related to safe, functional and efficient handling of livestock, safe footing, and the ability to maximize usage of the indoor space.
With CINCHARENAS you aren’t buying a building it’s an ARENA—the Arena of your dreams!  At CINCHARENAS you deal with a team of professional individuals who are knowledgeable and committed to designing and building your arena at the most cost effective rates in the industry.  A CINCHARENA team member is involved from beginning to end to ensure your satisfaction and comfort!  Jump on board today!  CINCHARENAS is proud to pave your way to happiness and enjoyment!
From the basic to the most elaborate multipurpose indoor arenas imaginable, CINCHARENAS is your one-stop shop!  Arena options include Priefert equipment, Black Widow ground implement,water system, and whatever other options/companies we want to include in this release  And more relationships are being established every day designed to further enhance your indoor arena investment.
It’s time to Lead Not Follow!
So, pull back that curtain, raise a corner, or take a peek and see what we have to offer you!

Contact us today at 1-800-MYCINCH or
A team member is ready to design and build your dream!  Share it with us!