Roper Review: Courtney Small

Courtney Small at the 2016 USTRC National Finals - Brenda Allen

Everyone who enters the USTRC Finals has dreams of clean runs and big paychecks. Unfortunately, only a handful of ropers realize those dreams. One such dream come true was Courtney Small, and header, Lari Dee Guy, who came from third high call to win the Cruel Girl Roping. The pair posted a time of 37.25 on four head to win the roping and split $16,000 in cash plus prizes.
“Actually I prefer being third high call. From there the goal is to make a nice run and put pressure on the top two teams,” says Small.
Courtney, 24, started roping when she was just eight. She and her dad started roping at the same time. Eventually her brothers, Zac and Blair, rope as well.
“We would rope almost every night,” explains Courtney. “That’s where my addiction to roping started.”
Small is grateful to her parents for giving them the opportunity to rope and pursue their passion.
“My dad blessed us with the chance to rope every day during the summer. He wanted us to succeed in whatever we wanted to do,” says Small. “Every day we would start out roping the dummy, then saddle our horses and rope the mechanical dummy. That was our routine from about ten to fifteen years old. We were consumed by it.”
Courtney admits to a life long passion for horses and roping. When she was about thirteen, the family built an indoor arena where they roped and also had a church.
“The arena has been a huge blessing. God has used our arena to bless the lives of many people; and given young people a place to come and rope.  We still rope in our arena every day and I’m very thankful for it.”
The Blair kids were homeschooled and well educated using the accredited Christian based A Beka Academy. To see how her education measured up, Courtney attended public school during her sophomore year and found it very easy.
After high school Courtney attended Tarleton University in Stephenville, Texas before transferring to and graduating from Oklahoma State University. Currently she is working with her father at the family cattle embryo laboratory near Welch, Oklahoma. She will soon pursue a Masters in Animal Science, a degree that will be helpful as they expand their business.
“There are some new things we want to do,” says Courtney. “I so enjoy working with my family. I also have lots of time to rope, which is a huge plus.”
“I am very grateful and give the glory to God. Without Him, none of these blessings would be in my life. I have to thank my parents and am so blessed to have them. I realize not many people get the opportunity to do what I do. I also want to thank my sponsor, Classic Ropes.”

How much do you practice?
About five days a week.
Do you make your own horses?
Yes. My brothers and I have made every horse we own.
Who were your roping heroes?
I always looked up to my dad because he got me started. He had won quite a bit and was my idol.
Who do you respect most in the world?
My father.
Who has been the biggest influence in your life?
My father.
If you had a day off what would you like to do?
Favorite movie?
The new Magnificent Seven was very good.
What’s the last thing you read?
A textbook of some sort.
How would you describe yourself in three words?
Leader, dedicated, shy.
What makes you happy?
When I win.
What makes you angry?
When I miss.
If you were given 1 million dollars, how would you spend it?
I would set quite a bit back and probably build a horse barn on my property.
What is your best quality – your worst?
Best quality is independent thinking. Worst quality is procrastinating.
Where do you see yourself in ten years?
Hopefully more involved in our lab with the expansion, and enjoying the growth of business.

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