While Rylie Smith is the definition of self-made, she’s quick to credit her parents – Ricky and Misty Smith – and everyone else who’s had a hand in her roping career so far. Perhaps one of the most important people on that list is Hope Thompson. “I believe my best year of all is still ahead of me, but my biggest accomplishment so far was when Hope and I won the Inaugural Women’s Rodeo World Championship in 2020,” said the roper from Whitsett, Texas. “We’ve been roping together for the last 5 years. We may not always be the best team, but we certainly rope well together, and we’re blessed to win when we have the opportunity.” Typically, Rylie is throwing for two heels but she’s as versatile as the Quarter Horses she rides. The 21-year-old can throw a solid head loop for both a calf and steer.
“Jane [Halleluiajah Wild Card] is my number one for heeling and sometimes when we enter backwards, Hope will ride Jane on the heel side.” When Rylie bought 7-year-old Jane, she came as a pair with her half-sister, Hail Mary Wild Card. When Hope heels off Jane, Rylie uses Mary on the head side. “The girls were born in the same pasture and every time they got moved around, they always went together. And then I bought them together, so they have some separation anxiety for sure.” Anyone would be hard pressed to find Jane without Mary any time Rylie’s out chasing white lines. Where Jane is eager and willing, Mary is hard-headed and full of sass. “No matter what, both of them will give anyone riding them 110%. I never have to worry about them trying to take something from me when I back in the box for a lot of money. I was very fortunate to get those girls.”
With equine partners like Jane and Mary, Rylie’s always protected them with the best. She found that in 5 Star pads and sport boots back in 2018. She became a sponsored athlete in 2020 after cashing a $90,000 check with Hope. “My horses do everything they can for me, so I try to take care of them the best I can. I think 5 Star pads and boots are the best products I can give them to keep them comfortable and sound.” It was a little bit of trial and error for Rylie when it came to finding equipment she liked. “I had ridden quite a few different brands; some that I won and some that I bought. I rotated through them and found the best fit for my horses in 5 Star.” Comfort and protection are Rylie’s top priorities when it comes to her equipment and 5 Star delivers on both.
As both a professional athlete in the WPRA and a rope horse trainer, it wasn’t all that long ago that Rylie and her parents were diving headfirst into the horse world. “Neither of my parents grew up in [rodeo], but when my dad was in his early 20s, he started team roping. When I was little, I always wanted a horse of my own so I could rodeo.” At 9 years old, Rylie got her first horse. And the rest, as they say, is history. “I started in the speed events which helped with my horsemanship. I think that’s the best thing to help with riding a horse. As I got older, I always wanted to rope. I hounded my dad and finally I got a rope in my hand.”
As Rylie puts it, things just snowballed from there. “My parents took me anywhere and everywhere so I could get help and be the best possible, I’m very fortunate to have had that.” Even before Rylie got her first horse, she was always finding a reason to be outside. She’s the same way today, but now she has plenty of four-legged reasons to keep her busy. “I never want to be sitting at a desk somewhere all day long. I like to be hands on and outside. I have some outside horses and some younger ones of my own. I do horse teeth, braid custom halters and tie downs, and everything else relating to horses.
5 Star Featured Athlete Rylie Smith
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