As it turns out, I know way more about failing than I do victory in Jesus. The victory part I seem to be dismal at. The failing part, in a …
Christian Corner
As David was gathering his “Mighty Men” there was a group of warriors who showed up. These 200 chiefs came with their relatives and are described as: “…from Issachar, (these …
Our recent 4th of July celebrations caused me to ponder our nation. This is my summary. Good ideas, taken to an extreme and governed by the exceptions, die of their …
The Amish rolled in like gangsters. They had a humble swagger and saved the day. I did not see that coming. Like Moses, when trapped against the Red Sea when, …
Our cattle working pens are built for big ole’ full grown mama cows. Any of our handsome herd below 700 lbs. can get hurt and the cowboys can get frustrated …
Looking out the window this morning I see something unusual in the small house-pasture. I have learned that if I don’t recognize something I need to check it out. Grabbing …