by Ruth Nicolaus
The Red Bluff Round-Up needs YOU!
The Round-Up is searching for volunteers who would like to be involved in the biggest event in Northern California, who want to make a difference in the community, meet new people, and have fun!
In its 96th year, the Round-Up is one of the largest rodeos in the nation and volunteers are needed to help produce the three-day event. Help is needed with ticket sales, merchandise sales, the fan fair area, autograph sessions, hospitality, first aid booth, livestock, grounds maintenance, and the first aid booth.
Anyone can volunteer, said James Miller, general manager for the Round-Up. “You don’t have to be a cattle rancher or a cowboy or cowgirl.” Volunteers also don’t have to live in Red Bluff; the Round-Up has volunteers from all over, including some from Idaho who spend the week in town.
Interested people can apply online at at the “get involved/become a volunteer” link.
The Round-Up is fun for volunteers, as well as its fans. “One thing is, during Round-Up, everybody has a good time.”
This year’s Round-Up is April 21-23, with Eleven Days of Round-Up activities beginning on April 13. For more information, visit the website or call 530.527.1000.