When a storm comes upon you what is your first reaction? Do you think of the worst possible outcomes? Do you turn your nose up and act like it’s no big deal? Do you get fearful and start to worry? Do you stay calm and rely on the Lord? All of these can be normal responses for any person but I want to take a look at how the disciples reacted during a storm they faced and how Jesus responded.
“Then Jesus got into the boat and started across the lake with his disciples. Suddenly, a fierce storm struck the lake, with waves breaking into the boat. But Jesus was sleeping. The disciples went and woke him up, shouting, “Lord, save us! We’re going to drown!” Jesus responded, “Why are you afraid? You have so little faith!” Then he got up and rebuked the wind and waves, and suddenly there was a great calm. The disciples were amazed. “Who is this man?” they asked. “Even the winds and waves obey him!””
Matthew 8:23-27
Jesus had been teaching a crowd from the lake. When it started to get dark he told his disciples to get on the boat and go to the other side with him. As they were crossing the lake a ferocious storm built up and settled over them. Violent winds and waves began crashing the boat tossing it around like a rag doll.
Before the storm Jesus had fallen asleep. As the storm raged he remained asleep. The storm had not woken him yet. The storm was so violent the disciples began to get scared they might end up shipwrecked. They panicked. They grew fearful for their lives.
They ran to Jesus shouting at him to wake up and save them. They were fearful they were going to drown. He replied with “Why are you afraid? Why do you have such little faith?” He got up from his nap and calmed the storm at once.
Have you ever felt like Jesus fell asleep during your storm? Maybe you were hanging on for dear life while everything seemed to be falling to pieces all around you. During this whole Corona Virus outbreak maybe you have been laid off from work. Maybe your business has been shut down. Maybe you have been fired and aren’t sure what your next job will be or how you’ll provide for your family. Maybe you lost your job, your car broke down, and the doctor diagnosed you with an outcome that has you scared for your life.
There are many storms in life. What is important is to remember who is in the boat with you. The disciples didn’t particularly see this storm coming. All seemed calm. Jesus fell asleep. Next thing they knew they were being tossed around viciously by the storm. Like many storms in our life. They come out of nowhere when we least expect it. All seems good, usual, on track, then bang, life is turned upside down.
Jesus didn’t cause the storm. God doesn’t cause storms in our lives. Sometimes though, God allows storms to take place in our lives. The disciples ran and shook Jesus awake in their terror. Sometimes God allows the storm to rattle our cage long enough until we have no other choice but to run to him. He wants us to urgently call out to him. To completely trust and rely on him, and give him the opportunity to show his glory in our lives.
The disciples went to worst case scenario thinking. They thought they were going to die. But what did they do? They ran to Jesus and woke him up. They cried out to Him, “Lord save us!”
It says that Jesus woke up and rebuked the storm. Immediately, the wind and waves became perfectly calm. When they cried out to Him in their desperation, He responded.
Often times we grow fearful of the storm and think worst case scenarios. “They’ll turn down my application.” “My business will go under.” “There’s no way my marriage can be fixed.” “My child is to far gone and can’t be saved.” “There’s no way I can be healed.”
You see, we’re not in control. God is, and in one command, He can calm the raging sea. In an instance he can stop the storm. In a matter of seconds he can turn chaos into calmness.
Jesus won’t let us sink. He’ll always provide when we call out to Him. It may not be the way we want, and there may be situations we have to row through, but when we call on His name, we can know that He’s fully awake to our situation and that He can and will intervene on our behalf. He’s always with us and He hears our prayers.
Even if your faith is small, pray big prayers. You can trust him and rely on him too calm the raging sea in your life. God is always in your boat!