The New Year brings new hope to athletes in all sports. Along with the New Year everyone likes to set goals for the year. Here are a few tips from observing those who are successful at reaching their goals and holding themselves to a higher standard.
Write your goals down and share them with those who will help you achieve them. This adds a level of accountability to your goals. If someone shares them with you, take the responsibility to be part of their journey. It is rewarding to reach your goals, it is equally rewarding to help others reach theirs.
Once you have them down you need to develop a plan of action to help you reach your goals. Daily goals, weekly goals, monthly goals, yearly goals. You should have a detailed plan to reach all of them. The more detailed the better.
The next step is to make the commitment. Each goal and person will make a different level of commitment to reaching their goals. Most of the time the success or failure of reaching your goals depends solely on your level of commitment.
Once you make a commitment, you need to stay focused. It is easy to be committed for a few days a week, stay focused on your commitment. Stay focused on your goals. Focus your priorities to achieve your goals.
Be purposeful with your actions. Make sure your actions reflect your commitment to achieving your goals. Make sure your practices are purposeful. Your actions should be purposeful over a long period of time, not one or two days a week.
Visualize what you want. Know what you want and put a time frame on it. This year’s State Champion? This year’s regional Champion? This year’s National Champion? This year’s World Champion? None of them happen by accident. The person who earns each of those titles this year will have put in the time and effort into achieving the goal.
Have a belief in what you want, no one will help you achieve your goals if you don’t have confidence and a belief that you can accomplish them. Surround yourself with those who believe in you and your goals.
And finally there is no time like the present to get started. Everyone has the same time frame each day to work towards their goals. Others are working today towards their goals, start today on your journey towards reaching yours.
Hopefully I will see you achieve your goals this year at the High School National Finals, the College National Finals, or at the Wrangler National Finals Rodeo.
Setting Goals
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